Chino Valley Fire urges residents to keep fire safety a priority when preparing this year’s Thanksgiving feast. According to the National Fire Protection Association, Thanksgiving is the peak day for home fires in the United States, followed by the day before Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
Follow the safety tips below to help keep you and your loved ones safe during the holiday.
Cooking Safety:
- Begin holiday cooking with a clean stove, oven, and food preparation surfaces.
- Keep the kitchen area off limits to young children and adults that are not helping with food
preparation to avoid accidents.
- Avoid clothing with loose fitting or long sleeves that might ignite if too close to a flame.
- Never leave boiling pots unattended. If you must leave the kitchen, turn off all burners or
have another adult watch what is being cooked.
- Have a fire extinguisher available no more than 10 feet from the stove or cooking area.
- Keep anything that can catch fire—oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or
napkins— away from your stovetop.
Deep-Fryer Safety:
- If you are using a deep fryer to cook your turkey, make sure it is set up outdoors in an open
area that is away from walls, wooden fences, hanging tree branches, and any other structure
or item that can catch fire.
- Never use a deep fryer on a wooden deck or inside a garage.
- Never let children or pets near the fryer when it is in use.
- Never leave a deep fryer unattended.
The Chino Valley Fire District wishes you a safe and happy holiday.
The Chino Valley Fire District wishes you a safe and happy holiday.
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