February 19, 2025 Section 115 Trust Investment Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
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14011 City Center Drive
Chino Hills, CA 91709
(909) 902-5260
Chino Valley Fire District reminds residents that fireworks of any kind are prohibited in Chino Hills and unincorporated county areas. State Fire Marshal approved “Safe and Sane” fireworks are allowed in Chino, except in the area south of Pine Avenue and the area east of Euclid Avenue to Hellman Avenue, between Merrill and Kimball Avenue.
“Safe and Sane” fireworks do not fly or blow up and are registered with the California State Fire Marshal as a “Safe and Sane” firework. In the city of Chino, these fireworks can only be used or possessed in residential areas from noon on July 1 through midnight July 4, and not on school grounds, parking lots, commercial areas, or parks.
“Safe and Sane” fireworks will have a State of California – State Fire Marshal seal.
The Chino Valley Fire District, Chino Police Department, and Chino Hills Police Department will be enforcing zero tolerance for illegal fireworks. The penalty for using illegal fireworks is up to a $1,000 fine and up to one year in jail. Parents/guardians will be held liable for any fire suppression costs, damages or injuries caused by their children’s use of fireworks.
Chino residents can report the use of illegal fireworks to law enforcement by calling 909-628-1234. Chino Hills and County residents can report the use of fireworks to law enforcement at 909-465-6837.
Fireworks can be turned in to the Fire District with no penalty at Fire Administration, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Fire Administration is located at 14011 City Center Drive, Chino Hills.
Contact Public Information Officer Massiel Ladron De Guevara at (909) 315-8816 with any questions regarding this news release.
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