14011 City Center Drive
Chino Hills, CA 91709


(909) 902-5260

Official Website Of The

Chino Valley Fire

Weed Abatement: A Year Round Commitment to Safety

Apr 21, 2023 | Community News, Safety Tips

The Chino Valley Fire District requires property owners to clear weeds, rubbish, and other combustible vegetation from their property before May 1.

If a hazard exists on or after May 1, property owners will be notified by mail. Properties that are not cleared by the reinspection date of June 14 will be given a $300 non-compliance penalty and ordered for abatement by the Fire District contractor. The cost to clear the hazard and a $328 administration fee will be billed to the property owner.

Helpful Tips

  • Use trimming, mowing, and power equipment before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
  • Never use a lawn mower in dry vegetation. Use a weed trimmer to cut dry weeds and grass.
  • Keep a cell phone nearby and call 911 immediately in case of a fire. Never put yourself in
    harm’s way to extinguish an advancing fire.
  • Remove rocks in the area before you begin operating any equipment. A rock hidden in grass
    or weeds can start a fire when struck by a metal blade.
  • Use the recommended grade of fuel for power equipment and don’t top off.
  • Keep your mower’s engine free of an accumulation of oil, dust, and any flammable materials.

More Information

Please visit our Community Risk Reduction page for more information about weed abatement, wildfire protection tips, inspections, and more!


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